Little Ones of Jajmau Make Teachers’ Day Celebrations Special

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If parents give us the gift of life, teachers give that life a direction. Teachers shape and mould our lives with correct education, guidance, and wisdom.

Little One – The Jaipuria Preschool in Jajmau celebrated Teachers’ Day to recognize, acknowledge and appreciate the invaluable contribution of teachers. This year, we decided to do something different and let the cute young children take the lead in paying heartfelt tributes to their teachers.

Needless to say, our little ones put on a great show. They said kind words for their teachers and recited a Sanskrit shloka comparing the teachers to gods.

So, here’s our kids … Speaking

*संस्कृत श्लोक – Sanskrit Shlok* for their GURUs.
Let’s hear it from them and celebrate Teachers’ Day

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